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  • Ablynx


    Nanobodies® – creating better medicines

    Ablynx is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of Nanobodies®, a novel class of therapeutic proteins based on single-domain antibody fragments, for a range of serious human diseases, including inflammation, haematology, oncology and pulmonary disease. Today, the Company has more than 30 programmes in the pipeline and six Nanobodies are at the clinical development stage.
  • Agency for Care and Health

    RVT, Zorginstellingen, Woon-zorgcomplexen, Service flats, Welzijn, Farmaceutische producten, Chirurgische instrumenten, apparatuur en uitrusting, Digitale beeldvorming (MRI, X-Ray, CT,…)*, Gezonde voeding, Ziekte-gerelateerde voeding, Woonzorgcentra, RVT, Residentiële eenheden voor palliatieve zorg, Residentiële diensten voor geestelijke gezondheidszorg, Dagverzorgingscentra, Dagcentra voor palliatieve zorg, Centra voor kort verblijf voor ouderen, Ambulante ouderenzorg, Ambulante palliatieve zorg, Ambulante diensten voor geestelijke gezondheidszorg, Thuiszorg, Speciale diensten aan huis (klusjes, poets, kine,…), Diensten voor gezinszorg, Diensten voor thuisverpleging, Revalidatiecentra, Ziekenhuizen, Algemene ziekenhuizen, Psychiatrische ziekenhuizen, Poliklinieken, dagziekenhuizen, Vervoer van zieken of personen met een beperkte mobiliteit, Openbare centra voor maatschappelijk werk

    Agency of the Flemish government for the improvement and protection of the health and wellbeing of alle inhabitants of Flanders.

    The Agency for Care and Health makes sure there are sufficient and higg-quality provisions in Flanders for the elderly care, home care, general care and mental care. We alse recognise individual health professionals. We help Flemish residents to live a healthy life and to avoid health risks. We save lives by combatting infectious diseases with vaccinations, but also by acting in the field when a local epidemic breaks out. Our Flemish Social Security gives financial support to those who are in need of care.
  • Agfa HealthCare

    ICT / e-health

    Healthcare IT

    The Agfa-Gevaert Group develops, manufactures and distributes an extensive range of analogue and digital imaging systems and IT solutions, mainly for the printing industry and the healthcare sector, as well as for specific industrial applications. The Group’s operational activities are divided in three independent business groups, Agfa Graphics, Agfa HealthCare and Agfa Specialty Products. All business groups have strong market positions, well-defined strategies and full responsibilities, authority and accountability.
  • Agfa HealthCare: The future of Radiology

    Digitale beeldvorming (MRI, X-Ray, CT,…)*

    The right dose of expertise.

    Building on over 140 years in healthcare imaging, Agfa HealthCare is working to create a future for radiology that adds value all along the patient care continuum. We have opened a pathway to our 50,000 digital radiography customers for moving towards their digital future, with our Fast Forward Upgrade program, which offers a dose reduction potential of up to 50-60%. And in a patient-centric and multidisciplinary healthcare world, our imaging IT solutions put the radiologist at the center of the patient’s care, by ensuring that imaging provides ‘actionable knowledge’.
  • ALS Liga Belgium


    Patient organisation for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

    ALS Liga Belgium is a patient organisation for people with ALS, an incurable and lethal neuromuscular disease. The progressive illness is characterised by the selective dead of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. The loss of innervation to the muscles results in power loss and paralysis of the limbs. Also the respiratory, swallowing, chewing and speech muscles become affected. The intellectual capacity and senses are preserved, making the disease emotionally stressful and confronting for both the patient and the environment.
  • ALS Mobility & Digitalk


    Lending service of aid goods for mobility and communication to patients with Amyotrofic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

    ALS Mobility & Digitalk is a division of ALS Liga Belgium, a patient organisation for people with ALS, an incurable and lethal neuromuscular disease. The progressive illness is characterised by the selective dead of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. The loss of innervation to the muscles results in power loss and paralysis of the limbs. Also the respiratory, swallowing, chewing and speech muscles become affected. The intellectual capacity and senses are preserved, making the disease emotionally stressful and confronting for both the patient and the environment.
  • Cegeka Health Care

    Informatiesystemen (EPD,..)

    In close cooperation

    Cegeka Health Care is a division of the Cegeka Group and builds software (named CorLabs) for larger laboratories. CorLabs is a modular and multisite ERP-system for medical-clinical laboratories. It allows labs to both follow the fast evolution in research technology and to improve their budgetary efficiency. On the Belgian market, Cegeka Healthcare also offers an entire EMR suite for hospitals, including patient medical record, nursing software, medication prescription, clinical pathways, orders and meal management.
  • Concrete Dreams


    Film production

    Concrete Dreams is a production house specialised in documentaries, scientific movies and corporate videos with ample experience in the healthcare sector. The company provides a complete service from the conceptualisation to the final product and works with a network of independent cameramen and editors.
  • Dobco Medical Systems


    Specialized in websolutions for medical imaging.

    We are a Belgian software company specialized in solutions for medical imaging. Our mission: to make complex medical imaging workflows look easy, with state-of-the-art 100% webbased solutions. .
  • e-Point


    We Care

    E-Point is a company that wants to build a bridge between the formal and informal caregiver by means of ICT solutions. We use "medical devices", software and a communication platform for preventing alienation and isolation of the patient when they are leaving the hospital.