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Agency for Care and Health

Agency of the Flemish government for the improvement and protection of the health and wellbeing of alle inhabitants of Flanders.
The Agency for Care and Health makes sure there are sufficient and higg-quality provisions in Flanders for the elderly care, home care, general care and mental care. We alse recognise individual health professionals. We help Flemish residents to live a healthy life and to avoid health risks. We save lives by combatting infectious diseases with vaccinations, but also by acting in the field when a local epidemic breaks out. Our Flemish Social Security gives financial support to those who are in need of care.


The Agency of Care an Health has 5 divisions and a staff.

  • The Residential and Primary Care Division recognises and subsidises provisions and services in the elderly care, home care, palliative care and primary care.
  • the Specialist Care Division focuses on recognising, subsidising and improving the quality of hospitals, mental health provisions and revalidation centers.
  • the Flemish Social Protection Division organises the Flemish Care Insurance and financial support for the handicapped elderly.
  • The Prevention Division deals with promoting a healthy life style and preventing diseases.
  • The Information and Care Professions Division gathers and rapports policy information and recognises health professions such as physicians, nurses and specialists.

Target groups

The Agency for Care and Health works for all health and care professionals: individual caretakers and health professionals, directors, boardmembers and personnel of health organisations such as hospitals,nursing homes and all kind of organisations dealing with care and health.

The Agency for Care and Health is also a partner for all Flemish residents and helps them to improve and protect their wellbeing and health.

Agency for Care and Health

Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 33
Brussel 1030

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