Mutual understanding and cooperation is crucial for Trefpunt ZORG. That's why it gathers expertise in its network from different angles in health care (health care organisations, entreprises, education centres and other), all of which already play a role in health care or wish to do so.
As an organisor, facilitator and meeting point for this broad range of organisations involved in care, Trefpunt ZORG realises, often in cooperation with its partners, valuable network- and infosessions, projects, education, workshops etc. for all involved in health care.
Through more and effective meetings with all the organisations and businesses involved in care, Trefpunt Zorg seeks to reinforce care as a socio-economic industry. This works its productive partnerships, activities & collaborations.
Employers event (with VDAB) about
Infosessions & workshops
Project Care Full Technology: students from care, technology and business education backgrounds work together on solutions for specific issues in care. The project is lead by Cretecs.
Conference 'Trefdag Zorg' with
Meet Your Buyer (with Unizo): networking for health care organisation and SMEs
Zorg voor Stage (with Provincie W-Vl and RTC W-Vl): improving the quality of internships
All those involved in health care: health care organisation, entreprises, education centres, local government, intermediate organisation etc.
Trefpunt ZORG reaches management, coordinators, staff members, health care professionals and teachers, depending on the type of initiative it organises.